
About Insights

In Insights, you can find real-time, non-editable widgets with the most requested business metrics.


Where to find Insights

  1. On your sidebar go to Analytics
  2. Open Insights

In Insights you will able to see the following metrics:

  • Headcount evolution: number of active employees inside your company over time.
    • Calculation formula: number of unique employees who had an active contract for at least 1 day during the corresponding calendar month.
  • Joiners evolution: number of employees who joined your company over time.
    • Calculation formula: number of unique employees whose current active contract start date corresponds to that corresponding calendar month.
  • Leavers evolution: number of employees who left your company over time.
    • Calculation formula: number of unique employees whose latest active contracts have an end date in the corresponding calendar month or whose termination date is in the corresponding calendar month.
  • Turnover rate: the pace at which employees leave your company both voluntary and involuntary.
    • Calculation formula: (Employees who left within previous month) /(Average number of employees within previous month) x 100
  • Retention rate: percentage of employees who stay within your company over a given period of time.
    • Calculation formula: [(Number of employees at the start of the previous month) – (Number of employees who left during the previous month)] / Number of employees at the start of the previous month *100
  • Headcount by legal entity: number of active employees inside each legal entity.
  • Headcount by gender: number of active employees of each gender.
  • Headcount by team: number of employees in each team. Remember that one employee may belong to more than one team.
  • Average age of employees
  • Age range distribution: number of active employees in each age group.
  • Promotion rate by team: promotions by team in the current calendar month.

You can filter widgets by:

  1. Gender
  2. Legal entity
  3. Workplace
  4. Manager
  5. Nationality

All filters are connected with the AND operator.


To download the whole Insights page: 

  1. Click on Export - in the upper right corner 
  2. Choose the file format: Excel, CSV or PNG 
  3. Click on Export




To grant the user access to Insights, you have to enable the permission See insights.

Pay attention: those who have access to Insights will see the entire company's data, as no role-based permissions are applied.



To enable See insights permission:

  1. On your sidebar, head to Settings
  2. In General, click on Permissions
  3. Select the Permission group you want to allow
  4. Select Insights
  5. Activate See insights
  6. Click on Save changes

The permission See insights will be enabled by default for the “admin” user group and disabled for others.




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