
About Innux integration

Ensure frictionless clock in and clock out by using Innux devices.

What is Innux?

Innux is our provider of equipment and software for time tracking through fingerprint and facial recognition. In short, it's a flexible and user-friendly clock-in application, designed to create a customized team management experience.

Countries where the Innux + Factorial integration is already available:

  • Portugal
  • Spain


5 reasons to use Innux

  1. Flexibility in time tracking. There’s no need to use computers, phones, or tablets to clock in/out.
  2. Efficiency and security in time tracking. Use access and time tracking control through facial recognition, palm vein scanning, fingerprint recognition, and iris recognition, among other methods.
  3. Option for combined clock in/out registration with geolocation.
  4. Mechanisms to prevent clock-in fraud.
  5. Daily user synchronization. Every day, at a user-defined time, the integration will add new users and remove those who were terminated.

How to integrate:

Companies in Portugal and Spain, where the integration is already available, should request E2E, a partner company of Factorial responsible for integrations, to establish the connection between the two software systems

More information

Learn more about Innux, from user costs to technical details and more.

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