
About the Indeed integration

Publish your job openings on Indeed and get the best candidates

What is

Indeed is a job search website that aggregates job listings from various sources, including company career pages, job boards, and newspapers. Job seekers can search and apply for jobs, as well as research salaries and company reviews, all in one place, making the job search process more efficient.

3 reasons to use

  1. Get more company visibility: using Indeed to showcase your job listings opens up the opportunity to connect with a significantly broader audience compared to exclusively featuring them on your own website.
  2. Reach more candidates: get amazing talent thanks to having your Factorial job postings automatically published in Indeed as well.
  3. Automatic job posting publishing: every time you publish a new job posting in Factorial, it'll be automatically published to Indeed's job portal. Any update you make to the job details will also be updated in Indeed.

💡 Indeed provides this valuable indexing service at no cost for the majority of businesses.



How to integrate?

  1. Visit Indeed for Employers support center or open a chat from your Indeed account
  2. Fill in the How can we help? field with the option Job postings
  3. Enter the details for your indexing request. Remember to include the URL of your Factorial’s company page (Example:


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