
FAQ about the Complaints channel

Jump into our frequently asked questions for more information about the Complaints channel

How to use a complaints channel?

To utilize the complaints channel, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Access the complaint link: Navigate to the Settings section on the sidebar and locate the Complaints Channel. Within the Complaints Form section, you will find the link for submitting complaints.
  2. Install the complaint app: Proceed to the Apps section on the sidebar and locate the Complaints app. Install the app to enable its functionality.
  3. Add a complaints officer: Within the Complaints Channel in the Settings section, click on "Add Complaints officer(s)" under the Complaints officer(s) category. Add the designated individuals to handle complaints.
  4. Create a complaint: Factorial will provide you with a personalized page based on your company's customization. Fill in the complainant information, provide a description of the complaint, create a password, and obtain a complaint code.
  5. Manage the complaint: Access the Complaints section on the sidebar to view a list of complaints. Click on a specific complaint to proceed with its management.
  6. Follow-up on your complaint: If you need to add more information to your complaint, select "Follow Up a Complaint" and enter your Complaint Number and Password. Please note that all information will be encrypted to ensure privacy during the transmission process, and only authorized personnel will have access to the complaints.



What’s a complaints channel?

A complaints channel is a system that allows individuals to submit complaints either verbally or in writing, including via telephone or other voice messaging systems. It is designed to guarantee the confidentiality of the complainant and any third parties mentioned in the complaint.

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