
FAQ about Training

Jump into our frequently asked questions for more information about Training

When can employees view the training sessions they are enrolled in?

Employees can access the "My Training" section in the sidebar, which displays a list of the training sessions they have been assigned to. In this section, they can find information about the training, including the training name, dates, description, access links, location, and any publicly attached files.



Can employees self-enroll in previously created trainings?

Currently, self-enrollment in previously created training is not supported. However, we are keen on understanding our customers' needs and their preferred workflows.



How do permissions function in Training?

  • "Access to training" permission: This allows access to the training management section and is specifically activated for groups that require the ability to create, view, manage courses, and access the management section.
  • "Create training" permission: Grants authorization to create new training.
  • "Management of training" permission: Provides write and delete authorization for existing training. The level of access varies based on roles:
    • "Themselves": Can only edit/delete a training they created.
    • "Managers": Allowed to edit/delete training created by their direct reports.
    • "Team leaders": Permitted to edit/delete training created by individuals positioned below them in the organizational chart.
    • "Whole Company": Authorized to edit/delete all training courses.
  • "Manage training attendance" permission: Authorizes the updating of employee attendance. The permissions are as follows:
    • "Themselves": Can only update their own attendance (Work-in-progress until the My Training section is available).
    • "Managers": Allowed to update attendance for their direct reports (requires "Access to training" permission).
    • "Team leaders": Permitted to update attendance for individuals positioned below them in the organizational chart (requires "Access to training" permission).
    • "Whole Company": Authorized to update attendance for all employees (requires "Access to training" permission).



Is there a dashboard or reporting/analytics module available?

Yes, there is a dashboard and reporting/analytics module available.



Will employees be notified when they are assigned to training?

Yes, as part of the "My Training" initiative, employees will be notified. When a training is created, it initially remains in "draft" status. The training manager has the ability to publish the training at any time. During this step, the manager can choose to notify all employees via email about the training assignment.

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