
Cobee integration with Factorial

Discover Cobee and learn how to integrate it with Factorial

What is Cobee?

Cobee is an all-in-one platform that allows you to manage your employee benefit plans in a flexible and fully automated way.

🚀 Some Cobee features:

  • Benefits are centralized and always available
  • Personalized models adapted to each employee or group
  • Automated processes and tasks
  • Saving time and well-being

Integrating Cobee with Factorial

Through this integration, all your employees' data will be automatically added to your Cobee benefit plans. This will save you a lot of management time. Our API integration will speed up onboarding to the benefit plan and eliminate any type of error that may occur with manual uploads.

⚠️ Available in Spain, Portugal, and Mexico.


How to set up the integration?

Just fill out this form, and we will help you. That’s it!

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