
About Documents

Learn how to upload documents, filter through employee documents, and hide or publish documents

Where to find documents

  1. On your sidebar, go to Documents
  2. From here you can access:
    • Public
    • Internal
    • Employee
    • Send in bulk
    • Document templates


Public Documents

In the "Public" section, you can upload public documents for the whole company to see. If you make them public, all employees will be able to see them.


To upload new documents:

  1. Click on Upload Documents on the top right corner
  2. Drag and drop the document
  3. Click on Upload documents


Internal Documents

In the "Internal" section, you can manage the company documents. Only employees with permissions can access this space.

Internal documents

How to upload or delete internal documents

  1. Open the folder in which you want to add documents
  2. Click on Upload documents on the top right corner
  3. Drag and drop the document
  4. Click on Upload documents
upload docuemnts

To delete a document:

  1. Click on (..)
  2. Select Delete document

delete document


Employee Documents

From the "Employee Documents" section, you can filter documents by teams, locations, or folders. This functionality allow you to locate the documents of all your employees you manage and access them directly or perform other actions such as deleting, downloading, or going within the document.



Send in Bulk

You can upload one or more PDFs (like contracts or payslips) and send them to your employees in the "Documents in Bulk" section. You can choose to split the PDF into separate documents, not modify them, or combine them into a unique document.

Learn more about Documents in bulk

Send in bulk

Create folders and subfolders

To add a folder

  1. Go to Settings
  2. In General, open Documents
  3. Select the space where you want to add a new folder (Employee, Internal, or Public)
  4. Click + New folder to add a new one

To add a subfolder

  1. Open a folder of your preference
  2. Click + New folder
  3. A subfolder will be created within the main folder

💡 To add extra information to your documents, you can apply Custom fields to each folder and subfolder.



Document Templates

With Document Templates, you can save a great deal of time in managing documents with employees: the same document can be sent to several employees by substituting personal information in each final document through variables.

Learn more about document templates

Document templates

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