
Requests for Customer Support: Security and Privacy - MFA

Learn how to effectively handle and respond to customer support requests to provide exceptional service and satisfaction.

Table of Contents

Click here to open the MFA form.



How to Complete the Form

  1. Fill in the required fields as follows:
    • Raise this request on behalf of:
      • Ensure your name and email are displayed correctly.
    • Summary
      • Provide a concise and descriptive title for the request.
      • Example: “Request to delete MFA John Doe from Account ABC.”
    • Description
      • Provide detailed information about the employee(s) to be deleted.
      • Include their full name, Employee ID (*) and any other relevant details.
      • Example: “John Doe, Sales Manager, Employee ID 1784031(*) is no longer with the company and needs to be permanently deleted from the system.”

If you want to delete more than one employee, you must provide the list of all employees with the above data (first and last name, employee ID and relevant information).

  • URL of the employee(s):
    • Include the URL of the employee(s) where the deletion needs to be performed.
    • Example:
  • Consent to the collection and use of data:
    • Tick the checkbox if you give consent for the collection and use of the data in accordance with the privacy policy (GDPR).
  • I understand this action is irreversible:
    • Yes
  • Share with:
    • If you select "No one," the information in this ticket will remain private and will not be shared with the AM or the Organization.

2. Click Send. The ticket will be automatically created in Jira and assigned to the relevant team.

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