
About Communities

Understand better how to use communities within Factorial


Where can I find Communities?

You will find Communities in your Dashboard.



How can I filter Communities?

To filter the Communities:

  1. On your sidebar, click on Dashboard
  2. You’ll be redirected to your Dashboard
  3. Click on All Communities
  4. Select the Community of your interest



How can I create a Community?

To create a Community:

  1. On your sidebar, click on Dashboard
  2. You’ll be redirected to your Dashboard
  3. Click on All Communities
  4. Press Create Community
  5. Introduce the information required
  6. Click Create Community



How can I add members to my Community?

To add members to a Community:

  1. On your sidebar, click on Dashboard
  2. You’ll be redirected to your Dashboard
  3. Click on All Communities
  4. Select the Community of your interest
  5. Click on the (...)
  6. Press Add Members
  7. Select the members



How can I perform other actions within a Community?

To perform other actions within a Community:

  1. On your sidebar, click on Dashboard
  2. You’ll be redirected to your Dashboard
  3. Click on All communities
  4. Select the Community of your interest
  5. Click on the (...)
  6. You’ll be able to: Edit the community, Remove members, Leave the group or Delete the community.

With the magnifier it’s possible to join other communities


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