
Integrating Recruitee with Factorial

Import your hired candidates’ data from Recruitee into Factorial. You can import their email, first name, last name, and start date.

What is Recruitee?

Recruitee is a business producing or selling computer "software as a service ". The software functions as an applicant tracking system for handling applications for job.

How to set up the integration?

Follow the steps below to integrate Recruitee with Factorial. To perform this integration, like all the others, you must be an administrator of your company account in Factorial.

  1. Login to your Factorial account as an administrator and then, go to Apps section.
  2. Click on the ‘Set up integration’ button on the left-hand side and sign-in to Zapier. If you don’t have an account, click on ‘sign up’ and follow the steps to create an account.
  3. Search and select Recruitee.
  4. Select ‘Candidate Moved’ to Stage as the Trigger Event.
  5. Sign-in to Recruitee and authorize Zapier to access your account. If you already linked Recruitee with Zapier, select your account.
  6. Select the Company Account, Job Opening, and Job Opening Stage from which you want to import your data.
  7. Click on the ‘Test and continue’ button to check if your integration is working properly.
  8. Search and select Factorial.
  9. Select ‘Create Employee’ as the Action Event.
  10. Sign-in to Factorial and authorize Zapier to access your account. If you already linked Factorial with Zapier, select your account.
  11. Match the data Email, First Name, and Last Name from Recruitee with Factorial by clicking the `+’ button from inside the field.
  12. Click on the ‘Test and continue’ button to check if your integration is working properly.
  13. Click on ‘Done Editing’ and turn on your Zap.

And that’s it! Every time you hire a new candidate, they’ll be automatically created in Factorial.

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