A Cost center is a department or role in a company that incurs costs without directly generating revenue. Cost...
The Financial Workspace in Factorial provides an overview of payroll and agreement data, helping you manage salary costs and...
Benefits SaaS Management: A centralized platform for monitoring and tracking all of your company's software subscriptions. With a global...
How do cost centers work? Cost centers are commonly utilized by many companies to monitor costs in a segmented...
The approval flow provides an added layer of control and oversight to financial operations. You can easily create approval...
Procurement refers to the process of acquiring goods, services, or works from an external source. It involves various activities,...
Centralize and automate your invoices by utilizing our OCR-powered mailbox. Allow our system to automatically update costs for your...
Easily create, manage, and track budgets tailored to your specific needs. Stay within limits, manage expenses or any other...
Streamline your invoicing with Factorial's Invoice Tracking System. Easily upload invoices and use our OCR technology for automated data...
How does it work? There are three ways to set the allocation per user in a Budget. 1. When...