This will allow unused vacation and absence days from the previous year to be automatically transferred to the new year.
How to configure carryover
- In the sidebar, go to the Settings menu
- In the Time section, select Time Off
- Choose the Time Off Policies you want to configure for the next year
- Click on Edit the allowance in the absence counter
- Scroll down to Carryover settings:
“How many days carry over?” Define Carryover Limit: Set the maximum number of days that can be carried over from one year to the next.
- You have the option to unlimited carryover
“When do carry over days expire?” Define when the cycles end: Establishes when absences will no longer be available on the counter.
- You can set not to expire
“How many days carry over?” Define Carryover Limit: Set the maximum number of days that can be carried over from one year to the next.
- Save Changes
How Will This Be Reflected in the Platform?
Once carryover is enabled, employees will see their unused days carried over into the new year. These accumulated days will appear in the Time Off section of the platform, alongside the new days assigned for the upcoming year.
Glossary of accountants
- Days per policy: There is a number of days or hours that are granted to all employees. Thus, we define the concept of days/hours per policy as the total number of days/hours to which one is entitled in a specific period.
- Accumulated: Accumulated days/hours are time off granted to individuals for specific periods based on Time Off Policies . These days will always be reflected in the employee's Counters , and their calculation will depend on how the company has set up its leave policies.
- Available: The number of days/hours that someone has available to use. Because there are 2 different ways to set up these available days, you will notice in the counters that these days can be granted all at the beginning of the year or they can be generated on a daily or monthly basis.
- Days Used: Days/hours taken are time off that has already been taken. This time off will be reflected as taken once the administrator has approved the requested absence.
- Accumulated or carried over: days/hours that can be carried over to the next cycle.
- Allocation Adjustments: These are negative or positive adjustments that an administrator can make to a team member's time off to grant or subtract days/hours for a specific period.