Absences & approvals

  1. About absences and approvals

     Absences and approvals are important aspects of managing employee attendance in a company, and Factorial provides useful tools to...

  2. How to create absence types

    By default, users can request three types of absences: holidays, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave. But, if these types...

  3. How to request and assign time off

    Factorial provides a variety of options for requesting and assigning time off to suit the needs of different roles...

  4. About the time off approver

    A time off approver is an individual within an organization who is responsible for managing and approving employee requests...

  5. How to create time off approval systems

    The time off approval system allows you to create a customizable flow for approving time off requests submitted by...

  6. How to approve and reject time off requests

    One of the most important aspects of approving or rejecting time off requests in a company is ensuring that...

  7. How to create time off allowance adjustments

    Managing employee time off effectively is crucial for maintaining productivity and ensuring compliance with company policies. Factorial's time off...

  8. What happens if an employee requests time off during a blocked period?

    Learn more about blocked periods here.   If a person requests time off during a blocked period, the person...

  9. How to set up blocked periods for time off

    Blocked periods are a range of dates defined by the company during which employees cannot submit time off requests....

  10. How to export the time off report of your employees

    What is the time off report? A time off report is a document that provides information about the amount...

  11. About time off calendar

    The Time Off Calendar is designed to provide an overview of employee absences, helping managers and HR professionals track...

  12. About time off allowances

    A time off allowances is a tool in Factorial that helps track and manage employees' available and used time...

  13. FAQ about Absences and approvals

    How to collect and gather all time-off data? All time-off data can be gathered by exporting it. To do...

  14. About paid absences

    Paid absences are days or hours in which the employee may be absent for a justified cause without the...

  15. How to Add Public Holidays for the Upcoming Year

    Planning holidays in advance is crucial for maintaining a smooth workflow, as it helps teams organize their schedules and...

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