
About Documents in bulk

Learn how to request an e-signature, send, upload, download and delete documents in bulk.

To send documents in bulk

  1. On your sidebar, head to Documents
  2. Select Send in bulk
  3. Upload a PDF document
  4. Select the Folder name
  5. Choose the Upload type:
    1. Split pages as new documents
    2. Combine all documents into one
    3. Keep documents with all their pages
  6. Click on Upload document


7. Once the document has been uploaded, apply filters if needed, and select the employees.

8. Activate the option if you want to request E-signature

9. Click on Send to X employees



 💡 Once the document has been sent, all users will find the document uploaded in their My Documents section in the folder defined. An email will be sent to the employee whenever a new document is uploaded.


❗ The employees will receive a Notification via email and on Pending Task>Dashboard if the e-signature has been requested.




To download documents in bulk

  1. On your sidebar, go to Documents
  2. Open Employee
  3. Mark all documents you want to download
  4. Click on Download (4)


To delete documents in bulk

  1. Go to Documents
  2. Open Employee
  3. Mark all documents you want to delete
  4. Click on Delete


💡 Create your own documents templates 
Did you know Factorial offers you a list of variables that automatically fill in tyour employees information in a document template? Know more about it!


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