
How to manage payroll employee updates

Set up and configure your payroll employee updates. Track and untrack the events you want.

Companies with Factorial Professionals enabled won’t have the possibility to change the settings, but they will be able to see which employee updates are being tracked.


If you are interested in knowing more about Factorial Professionals, and the solution we provide to improve communication and information between companies and bookkeepers, ask your Account Manager for more information!


How to activate employee updates for internal bookkeeper

  1. On your sidebar go to Settings
  2. Head to Finance → Payroll
  3. Scroll down to Employee updates
  4. Click on Employee update settings

A tab will appear with a list of events, you will be able to enable those events you want to track an unable the ones you don’t want to track. By default, New hires, Termination, and Contract updates are enabled.

Employee updates will be created from now on! Please note that past updates will not be generated.


Keep in mind that non tracked events won’t generate employee update when they happen.



How to manage and change the status of your payroll employee updates

  1. On your sidebar, go to Payroll
  2. Go to Employee updates
  3. Click on an employee
  4. A window will appear with all the information:
    1. Employee update
    2. Status
    3. Information
    4. History
    5. Messages
  5. Once you checked the employee update you can Discard it or change the status by clicking on the button located on the right corner

In order to have a better view of the employee updates, you can filter them by:

  • Status
  • Date
  • Legal entity
  • Type


How to discard employee updates in bulk

  1. Use the checkbox to select multiple employee updates
  2. Click on Discard employee updates


How to create a manual update

  1. On your sidebar, click on Payroll and select Employee updates
  2. Click on the three dots icon and select New update
  3. A pop up tab will appear for you to fill with the information
    • Legal entity
    • Subject
    • Employee
    • Description
    • Effective date
  4. Click on Create update


View of the employee updates tracking settings for companies with Factorial Professional

Companies with Factorial Professionals won’t have the possibility to change the settings, but they will be able to see which employee updates are being tracked.

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