
About Responses to reviews

Find out how to answer reviews within the Performance functionality and how to view them in case you’re an admin

How to answer a review?

📨 If your Administrator, Manager, or Team Leader sends you a Review, you will receive a notification via Dashboard.

  1. Head to your Inbox section
  2. Click on the Review Notification
  3. Respond to the questions
  4. Click on Submit feedback

💡1. It’s possible to Save in draft the answers by pressing the Save draft button

2. The user can edit the review answer by pressing the Edit feedback button


How to view responses to a review?

  1. On your sidebar click on Performance
  2. Click on the Reviews section
  3. Choose an Active or Finished review
  4. Click on a reviewee
  5. Select the reviewer in question

We can have access to the "View comparison" in the case of having feedback from both employees and managers.

To do so:

  1. On your sidebar click on Performance
  2. Click on the Reviews section
  3. Choose an Active or Finished review
  4. Click on a reviewee
  5. Click on View comparison.


After the review, employees can agree or disagree with their manager's assessment and provide a reason or comment if they disagree. 


Managers can see if employees have agreed, disagreed, or not yet decided on the assessment.




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