
How to register a Bookkeeper?

Create an account for your Bookkeeper

How to register a bookkeeper?

  1. Head to Settings in the sidebar menu
  2. In General, select Permissions
  3. Click on Administrators - See Group

Create an external user profile for your Bookkeeper

An external user is not an employee within the platform; therefore, it does not suppose a cost. This profile also has complete authority but can’t perform the clock-in or ask for days off.

  1. Inside the Administrator Group, head to the section External user
  2. Click on the (+), located in the upper right corner
  3. Choose Create an external user
  4. Fill in the fields
  5. Save

📨 An automatic invitation notification will be sent to your Bookkeeper. He/she will only have to click on the invitation link and activate his/her account. 


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