
An explanation of the permissions found in Factorial

Through this article you will learn the function of each permission that can be enabled in your factorial account.

Permissions in Factorial

Time Tracking 

  • See clocked in filter: Allows you to filter the list of employees by the clocking-in status and thus display those who have the active clocking-in. If this option is enabled, it will be applied to all employees assigned to the permission group. 
  • Review and approve time tracking information: This permission allows the user to approve and disapprove timesheets, for this you need to have access to the "view clocking" permission; so these permissions are linked by default.
  • See shifts: This permission allows the user to have access to the Personal clock-in and Time tracking section in order to view the clocking of employees.
  • Edit clock-in / clock-out data: This permission allows you to edit the performed hours that have not yet been approved/edit/delete. (🔺By default, this permission will be configured only for the employees themselves, as in some countries it is not legal for a person outside the employee to make edits to their clocking .The administrator and managers who have access to the time tracking will see a history of the changes made.)


The permissions in this section correspond to the contracts tab in each employee's profile.

  • See contracts: This permission allows you to view the section corresponding to contracts within each employee (Employees>Contracts). You will only be able to view the basic information, extra contract information, working hours and additional compensation.
  • Edit contracts: Allows the user to edit the information of: Basic Information, Contract Extra Information, Working Hours and add additional compensation. This permission also allows the user to edit, create or delete a contract version. (🔺With this permit enabled, you won't be able to edit the gross salary, for that you have the edit-gross-salary-permit). 
  • See salary: Allows only to view the Gross Salary of the employee in question. (🔺Even if the permission to edit contracts is active, only Administrators will be able to edit this information).
  • Edit gross salary: Allows only to edit the Gross Salary of the employee in question.(🔺Even if the permission to edit contracts is active, only Administrators will be able to edit this information).
  • See job title: Allows only to view the Job title of the employee in question.
  • See start date: Allows only to see the start date of the employee in question.
  • See end date: Allows only to see the end date of the employee in question.
  • See working hours: Allows only to see the working hours of the employee in question.
  • See additional compensation: Allows only to see the additional compensation of the employee in question.

Custom fields

💡 If you hide all the fields visibility from a custom table, this custom table will not appear in the employee's others section.


For each custom field created within Factorial, whether it belongs to a table, document or in the employee's profile, there will be two types of permissions.

  • View: Allows the user to view the information of that custom field.
  • Edit: Allows the user to edit the information of that custom field.


Custom Tables 

  • Add records: Allows the user to add or edit the information of records 
  • Remove records: Allow the user to remove records.  


Dashboard Events

💡 If you have already registered your birthday in Factorial, you will not be able to delete it. In case you want to delete it, please contact support or your Account Manager.


Currently, these are the only permissions that can be edited related to Dashboard events. 

  • Share birthdays (also includes):
    • Anniversaries of an employee in the company
    • An employee's first day
    • Employee's birthday



  • See documents: Allows the user to have access to each employee's uploaded documents. Also to your "My Documents" section to view and download documents. 
  • Edit documents: Allows users to download, delete and edit their own documents. Also upload documents to their profile and the employee's profile.  


  • See preferred name: Allows the user to see the preferred names of the rest of the company. The preferred name does not appear in the tools related to Payroll, documents in bulk and SEPAS. 
  • See Org chart: Allows the user to view the Organizational Chart of the entire company.
  • Add new employees: Allows the user to add new employees from the Employees section (🔺This permit is only available for adding employees manually, not by importation).
  • Edit own email: Allows you to edit the e-mail address with which you are logged in to Factorial. 
    (🔺 Remember that once the employee has confirmed his email, no one else will be able to edit it. And if we remove this permission, he/she will not be able to edit its own email).  
  • See personal info: Allows the user to access the "Personal" tab within each employee. 
    General information, ID, address, emergency contact and payroll information can be displayed.
  • Edit personal info: Allows the user to edit all the information found in the "Personal" tab for each employee.
  • Share email: Allows you to view mails from the employee's profile. 
  • Edit employee's manager: Allows you to edit the person reporting to you from the employee's profile. 🔺 It also allows you to edit the time off supervisor. 
  • Terminate Employees: Allows the user to terminate an employee from their profile; by pressing on the (...) button - 📍 located in the upper right corner.  🔺With this permit granted one can terminate itself. 



  • See goals basic information: Allows access to "My Goals" within the Employee section and "Goals" within the Performance section.
  • See employee goal: Allows the user to access the list of employees and view the goals, its values and progress.
  • Create goals: Allows the user to Create Goals for employees
    (🔺this permission is linked to the View Basic Goal Information permission).
  • Edit goal basic information: Allows the user to close the goal, delete the goal and edit the goals name.
  • Edit employee goal value: Allows the user to modify the Goal value for each employee.
  • Edit employee current value: Allows the user to modify the Current Goal Value for each employee.
  • Edit employee progress status: Allows the user to edit the Progress Status for each employee. 



  • Validate company supplements: Allows the user to validate uploaded supplements. 
  • See company SEPA generator: This permit grants you full management of SEPA, you can as well download the SEPA. 
  • Download company payroll data: Allows the user to download the statements with payroll information (📍 button in the upper right corner of the supplements section).
  • See supplements created by others: Allows the user to view supplements charged by another user to an employee.
  • Use company documents: Allows the user to access and use the Files section but only use these 2 tabs: Company & Documents in Bulk . Where the company documents are located and documents can be uploaded in bulk. All documents uploaded from there and even those uploaded in folders will be displayed. 
    🔺 To be able to upload documents and request electronic signature without being an administrator, it is necessary to grant this permission.
  • See supplements: Allows the user to view the supplements of the employees (if the permission to view supplements created by others is not active, only the supplements created by oneself will be displayed). 
  • Edit supplements: Allows the user to create new supplements for employees and modify existing supplements (🔺 supplements created by others cannot be modified).
  • See observations: Allows the user to visualize the observations made on the users.
  • Edit observations: Allows the user to edit the observations made on the users.

 Permissions Groups 

  • Create permissions groups: Allows the user to create a permission group and configure it.
    (🔺 does not allow assigning users to it or creating external users).
  • Edit permissions groups: Allows the user to edit the access group of each permission, rename the permission group and delete a group.
  • Create external users: Allows the user to create/assign external users to a permission group and also remove them from it.
  • Assign employees: Allows the user to assign/remove employees to the permission group.


  • Create job offers: Be able to create job offers and only manage these offers that you have created yourself.
    🔺 To be able to activate this permission, the user must be previously assigned as hiring manager in at least one offer. 
Manage all job offer: Have complete power over the recruitment feature by being able to perform all actions within this tool.


  • Use reports: Allows the user to have access to the reports section. If this permission is granted, the user will have access to all Factorial data, regardless of how the previous permissions are configured.



  • Create Reviews: Allows the user to create reviews, always depending on how the permissions are set, as there will be limited actions. For example: If only "Themselves" is configured, they will be able to create reviews where they can be the only participants.
  • Create Templates:  Allows the user to create templates with predefined questions.



  • Create surveys: Allows the user to create surveys, always depending on how the permissions are set, as there will be limited actions. For example: If only "Themselves" is configured, they will be able to create polls where they can be the only participants. 
  • Create templates: Allows the user to create templates with predefined questions.



  • Can manage tasks: Allows the user to: add, mark as complete, edit, duplicate and delete tasks. 



  • Create teams: Be able to simply create teams. 
  • Can manage teams: Allows the user to manage completely the functions within teams, such as: add team members, assign team leaders, edit and delete teams. 

Time Off 

  • See leave details: Visibility of the time off section in "YOU". 
  • Dashboard and calendar leaves visibility: View upcoming absences from the dashboard and calendar. The absence type visibility is configured from the absence type. 
  • Create and edit leaves: Allows the user to create absences within the time off section in "YOU" and to modify future absences (enabling this permission will automatically activate the "View absence details" permission).
  • Delete leaves: Allows the user to delete future absences that are approved or pending review. Even if the create and edit absence permission is disabled, the user will still have the ability to delete an absence.
  • Approve and reject leaves: Allows the user to approve absences pending review and to reject absences that are pending review or have already been approved (in the latter case, the absence request is deleted and does not return to pending approval status). 🔺 This leave is independent of the notification sent at the time of requesting an absence. It will always be received by the time off supervisor. 
  • Download leaves: Allows the user to download absences from: company, past absences and absence activity (this permission is tied to the "See leave details" permission so if you check any boxes in this permission, it will also be reflected in the details permission).
  • Manage adjustments: Allows the user to make vacation adjustments (add or subtract days/hours from time off counters).
  • Manage leave documents: Allows the user to edit/delete the document attached to an absence (the display of this document is within the "see leave details" permission).


Shift Management 

  • View published shifts: Allows the user to view the shifts published in the Shifts section. He/she will have access to filters and will be able to go to future or past months in the calendar.
  • Edit and publish shifts: Allows the user to add shifts for employees, copy shifts from the previous week and publish shifts or shift templates.
  • Edit shift templates: To edit and create shift templates. 


Work Schedule 

  • See work schedules: Allows the user to view the working hours assigned to an employee.
  • Modify work schedules: Allows the user to edit the working hours assigned to an employee.


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