This article explains the newly updated version of Factorial's payroll cycle. If you're still using the old version, check out the article About the payroll cycle v1
Managing the payroll cycle
You will be able to have a complete view of the process and to manage supplements, results and payments.
❗ If you have multiple Payroll policies, choose the one in which you wish to initiate the management of the payroll cycle.

Period navigation within the payroll cycle
Period navigation: you can navigate to previous or next periods. The current payroll period will be selected by default.
- Click on the arrow near to the period
- Select the period

The payroll cycle status
- Status time line: a timeline highlighting the current status is displayed in the Regular payroll cycle section.

❗Only users with permission to manage the payroll status can change the status.
In Preparation
In this status, supplements can’t be modified by anybody except the admins. After reviewing everything, admins can change the status of the period to Supplements definition.
💡Admins can notify collaborators inside the company for them to be notified about the opening of the supplements definition and they will receive notification.

Supplements definitions
In the supplements definition status admins can manage all supplements. Managers and team leads can only manage their teams supplements.
There are different ways to define supplements:
- Manual supplements
- Programmed supplements from additional compensations
- Imported supplements

Once the supplements are uploaded, the status can be changed to Under review.
Under review
In the under review status only admins can manage supplements. Managers and team leads can only validate their teams supplements.
Once the review is complete, it's time for the Payroll calculation.

Payroll calculation
❗In the Payroll calculation nobody will be able to manage supplements anymore.
At this phase of the process there’s a difference:
- If your company manages payroll in-house, the payroll will be done by admins.
- If your company has an external bookkeeper, they will handle the payroll calculation and receive a notification.

Results and payment
❗In the payment status nobody can manage supplements. You can always change to a previous status to edit supplements.
In this status, admins needs to perform several tasks:
- Import and review results
- Order payments for all employees
- Distribute the payslips