
How to ask for E-signature

Discover the different ways to request an electronic signature

How to request e-signatures for internal documents

  1. On your sidebar, head to Documents
  2. Select Internal
  3. Open the folder that you want to access the document
  4. Click on the Arrow next to the document to open it
  5. Click on Request E-Signature
  6. Select the employees who must E-Sign the document
  7. Click on Request E-Signatures for X users
request esignature

💡 All signers will receive an email notification.




How to request e-signatures for the documents you’ll send to the employees

  1. On your sidebar, head to Documents
  2. Select Send in bulk
  3. Upload a PDF document
  4. Select the Folder name
  5. Choose the Upload type:
    • Split pages as new documents
    • Combine all documents into one
    • Keep documents with all their pages
  6. Click on Upload document
  7. Once the document has been uploaded, apply filters if needed, and select the employees
  8. Activate Request E-signature
  9. Click on Send to X employees

💡 You can also add additional signees






E-signature status

The e-signature status is available in the document lists and the document viewer.


Document status

In the document listings, the global status appears, which will vary according to the status of the requested signature(s).

  • Pending: there are still people to sign.
  • Partially signed: some people have signed but others have not yet signed.
  • Completed: all persons have signed.
  • Declined: at least one person has refused to sign the document.
  • Bounced email: at least one signer's email may be incorrect or experiencing delivery issues. A bounced email is an email that couldn’t be delivered because it was rejected by the mail server. 
    In such cases, the e-signature is automatically canceled, and this copy of the document cannot be signed. To solve the problem, verify the email address and send a new signature request.
employee document-png-1


Signature status

Within the document viewer, you can view the specific status of each signer.

  • Pending: the person has not yet signed.
  • Signed: the person has signed.
  • Declined: the person has refused to sign the document. When a person declines to sign a document, they must provide a reason via a text message collected by Signaturit. The requester of the e-signature will receive an email notification that includes the reason, and it will also be visible in the document viewer.
  • Bounced email: the signer's email may be incorrect or experiencing delivery issues. A bounced email is an email that couldn’t be delivered because it was rejected by the mail server. 
    In such cases, the e-signature is automatically canceled, and this copy of the document cannot be signed. The requester of the e-signature will receive an email notification about the issues. To solve the problem, verify the email address and send a new signature request.



E-Signature Notifications

The employee will receive:

  • A notification via email
  • Pending Task on the dashboard

The Admin will receive:

  • A notification via email once the document has been signed

💡 Having trouble while trying to make an e-signature? Don’t worry, we are here to help you! Know more about typical errors.


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